Picasso and Dali painting an egg

I found a funny image with Picasso and Dali working together. This is an illustration by David Vella, which is called “Picasso and Dali painting an egg.” Dalí makes a picture with a fried egg hanging on a tree branch, and Picasso depicts an egg in a shape of a cube. Was there anything like this in reality?

Salvador Dali was born when Pablo Picasso was 22 years old. For Dalí, as for all the beginner artists of the 1920s, the inventor of cubism was a legendary master. When Dali arrived in Paris for the first time in 1926, he paid tribute to Picasso by telling him that he had come to see him before even going to the Louvre. Cubist artist Manuel Angeles Ortiz, devoted follower of Picasso, his teacher, introduced Dali to Picasso.

As for the visit of Dalí to Picasso, it is confirmed by photographer Brasai, who belonged to the circle of surrealists: «Picasso received him very well, demonstrated a hot interest in him and his works. After Dali had settled in Paris, Picasso kept assisting him, patronizing him, and introducing him to Gertrude Stein and his friends.»

Dalí writes about his meetings with Picasso in the following years: “I went to Breton no more than three times a month, to Picasso and Eluard — twice a week, to their students — for nothing and never, but at social events, as already mentioned, I appeared every evening.” However, there is no evidence that Dali visited Picasso twice a week. It seems more like the desired is presented as real. The same applies to the possibility of joint work of two artists.

According to Dalí’s words, “Dali is the only painter with whom Picasso wanted to work. Now that’s proven because the engraving we’ve done together.»
In fact, it was one of the legends that came from his rich imagination. There is only one work of which both Spanish artists can be considered co-creators. This is an etching dated by 1933. Four monsters are engraved on it, three of them depicted in the manner of Picasso and one in the way of Dali. Experts were able to find out that in fact, Dali used Picasso’s «Three Bathers» etching, there was a free space between the two figures. In this place he put his character. So, it looks more like mystification than a joint creation.

Nevertheless, there was a fairly friendly relationship between Picasso and Dali. It is also known that the money for his first trip to the United States Dalí borrowed from Picasso.
Many years, despite political differences and Dali’s extravagant behavior, Picasso remained fond of him until 1953, when Dali infuriated Picasso by making offensive reference to him in an interview with a journalist. They never spoke again since then.